Wednesday, March 30, 2011

CRES Exam - March 31, 2011


  • Take the CRES Exam


  1. CRES A Exam

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

CRES Review #2 - March 30, 2011


  • Review for the CRES Exam


  1. CNN Student News
  2. Modern World History Card Game Review

CRES Review #1 - March 29, 2011


  • Review for the CRES Exam
  • Evaluate US Military Action in Libya


  1. Warmup - [Not In Journal]
    1. Go to the middle table and get an index-card sized sheet of paper
    2. Look at your CRES Packet. Find one thing you're uncertain about and write your question on the sheet.
    3. Put your sheet of paper in the inbox.
  2. President Obama on Libya
  3. Answers to Questions
  4. CRES Format
  5. Super Fast Geography
  6. 3-2-1 Trash Ball Review

Monday, March 28, 2011

Socialism, March 28, 2011


  • Explain the core ideas of socialism
  • Evaluate socialist criticism of the capitalist system


  1. Warmup #21 - Take a guess at the following questions
    1. Go to the middle table and get ten chips from the tin. We'll use them shortly.
    2. What percentage of their income do the wealthiest people in the US have to pay in federal income tax today?
    3. Do you think that this number (top tax bracket) has overall increased or decreased since the 1940s in the USA?
    4. How much more money does the average CEO make than the average worker in the US today?
  2. Wealth Distribution in the USA - Chip Activity
  3. Mother Jones Article - It's The Inequality, Stupid
  4. Socialism Notes & Discussion
  5. Video Clips (Worst Jobs - Rat Catcher, Workhouse, Tanner)
  6. CNN Student News

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Worker's Life (Part 2): March 24, 2011

This is a short period due to a two-hour early dismissal.
  • Describe changes in production and economics that impact workers.
  • Predict how workers might react to these changes.


  1. Warm up #20: Your warm-up for today is to do two tasks
    1. Print out any warm-ups you have not yet turned in and check your grades for missing work. Remember you can only print two pages at a time due to a bug in Office 2010.
    2. Create a new journal document. Set your first entry as #21, which will be the first graded warm-up of the new term next week.
  2. Video: Modern Times
    1. Discuss how the assembly line & mass production impacted workers' jobs
  3. Primary Source: Working Conditions
    1. Answer the questions with each reading in your journal.
    2. Share responses with the class
  4. CNN Student News

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Worker's Life: March 23, 2011

  • Describe changes in production and economics that impact workers.
  • Predict how workers might react to these changes.


  1. Warm up #18: Describe one benefit provided by mass production to society and one problem it posed for average workers.
  2. Reading Quiz #10 - Industrial Revolution (Part 2)
  3. Activity: Effects on Workers
    1. On your own, describe at least five effects of the Industrial Revolution on workers in your journal under today's warm-up. Use your textbook to help find answers on pages 551-554. For each effect, determine if it is positive, negative, or a mixed benefit for society as a whole.
    2. When Mr. M explains to do so, find a group of 2-3 people, form a consensus, and complete the Effects of the Industrial Revolution handout.
  4. PowerPoint: Industrial Revolution
    1. Effects
    2. Luddites
    3. Reforms
    4. Child Labor
  5. Odds & Ends (not enough time for primary source today)
    1. Print out your warm-ups
    2. Work on the CRES Review Packet

Economics - March 22, 2011

  • Describe the economic effects of the Industrial Revolution.


  1. Warm up #17: List three major inventions or innovations of the Industrial Revolution.
  2. Reading Quiz #9 - Industrial Revolution (Part 1)
  3. Review Quiz Answers
  4. CNN Student News
  5. PowerPoint: Industrial Revolution
    1. Capitalism
    2. Division of Labor
    3. Mass Production
    4. Monopolies
  6. Homework: Reading Guide #10 for Wednesday

Monday, March 21, 2011

Industrial Revolution - March 21, 2011

  • Describe the origins of the industrial revolution
  • Analyze the effects of the industrial revolution on peoples' lives


  1. Reading Quiz #8 - Unification of Italy & Germany
  2. Warm up #16: Look at the map on the front board. Describe one thing that it tells us about England's population from 1701 to 1911.
  3. PowerPoint: Industrial Revolution
    1. Notes
    2. Worst Jobs - Plow / Crop Rotation
    3. Charts & Graphs
    4. Notes
    5. Worst Jobs - Trains
  4. CNN Student News
  5. Homework: Reading Guide #9 for Monday

Friday, March 18, 2011

Unification of Italy & Germany - Friday March 18, 2011

  • Explain the concept of nationalism
  • Analyze how nationalism was used to unify Italy & Germany


Music - "Ride of the Valkyries" - Richard Wagner
  1. Warm up #15: Describe two geographic features that might lead to Italy being a unified state, rather than part of another country.
  2. PowerPoint: Nationalism
  3. Readings
    1. Duties of Man
    2. German Fatherland
  4. Homework: Reading Guide #8 for Monday

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


  • Explain the major events, people, and ideas of the Enlightenment & French Revolution


  1. Writing Review Questions
  2. Review Game

Friday, March 11, 2011

Napoleon's Fall - March 14, 2011

  • Analyze how Napoleon was defeated
  • Explain how reactionaries reshaped Europe at Vienna


  1. Warm up #14: Listen to the music that Mr. M plays after the announcements and answer the following.
    1. Does it sound familiar?
    2. Do you know the name of the song?
      1. Hint: It's written by Tchaikovsky
    3. Listen carefully - what other song is played within this song?
  2. Quiz #7: Age of Reaction
  3. PowerPoint: Napoleonic Era

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rise of Napoleon - Friday, March 11

  • Explain how Napoleon rose to power
  • Analyze Napoleon's leadership strategies


  1. Warmup #13: Why was France especially ready to accept a powerful leader like Napoleon?
  2. PowerPoint: Napoleonic Era
  3. Reading: Napoleon's Speech to His Troops
  4. Work Time: Read and Take Notes on Reading #7: Reaction (due Monday)

Liberty, Equality, Guillotine - Thursday, March 10

  • Explain the major events of the French Revolution
  • Analyze the effects of nationalism and extremism on the French Revolution


  1. Reading Quiz #6 - French Revolution
  2. Warmup #12: List three causes of the French Revolution.
  3. PowerPoint: The French Revolution
  4. Music & Reading: La Marseillaise
  5. Work Time: Read and Take Notes on Reading #7: Reaction (due Monday)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Roots of Revolution - Wednesday March 9, 2011

  • Analyze Voltaire's criticism of superstition and intolerance
  • Explain the major causes of the French Revolution


  1. Warmup #11: In your opinion, are people naturally good, bad, selfish, blank slates, or something else? Justify your response. Out of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau who do you think is closest to your belief about human nature.
  2. Voltaire - A Treatise on Toleration (Reading)
    1. Why do some scholars think Voltaire was an atheist?
    2. Summarize Voltaire's brief defense of religion (page 1, para 1-2)
    3. Summarize Voltaire's criticism of supersition, relics, and foolish beliefs. Cite two examples of things he feels people "used to believe" which are no longer satisfactory. (rest of page 1)
    4. What problem do rulers face now, in dealing with these "Enlightened" people - and what does Voltaire suggest they do? (page 2, para 1-3)
    5. What is the purpose of religion in his view? How can one be happy? Does Voltaire think we can all agree on religion? (chapter 21)
    6. What is the point of Voltaire's story about how he's speak to a proud religious figure... how is he mocking them? (chapter 22)
  3. PowerPoint: The French Revolution
  4. Work Time: Read and Take Notes on Reading #6: French Revolution (due tomorrow)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Philosophers of the Enlightenment - March 8, 2011

  • Describe the major changes caused by the Enlightenment


Music: Hayden - The Clock and Mozart - Requiem
  1. Reading Quiz #5 - The Enlightenment
  2. Warmup #10: Describe two important ideas, attitudes, or values that contributed to the Enlightenment.
  3. Poll: Maybe the Enlightenment didn't change things that much after all?
  4. PowerPoint: Enlightenment Philosophers
  5. Homework: Reading Quiz #6 - French Revolution on Thursday

Friday, March 4, 2011

Enlightening Strikes - Mon March 7th

[Two Hour Delay - Short Period]


“Reason. It began slowly. ‘Hey, what if we stop storing the corpses in the drinking water, and see if that makes any difference to our health?’ From there it gathered momentum. Soon, all conventional wisdom, from the shape of the Earth to whether the ruling class could have your hut burned and your organs removed because they thought you saw an eclipse, was up for grabs.”
- Jon Stewart on The Enlightenment (from America: The Book)

  • Describe the major changes caused by the Enlightenment


  1. Guidance - College Preparation (~40 minutes)
  2. Warm-up: What is the Scientific Method? (cut for time)
  3. PowerPoint: The Enlightenment
  4. Video Clip: Superstition in the Middle Ages & Renaissance
  5. Voltaire: A Treatise on Toleration (Reading) (cut for time)

Test #2 - The Power of Kings - Friday March 4th

  • Assess the Age of Exploration & Absolutism units
  • Begin studying the Enlightenment


  1. Test #2 - Absolutism & Exploration
  2. Reading #5 - The Enlightenment
  3. Homework: Reading Quiz #5 on Tuesday

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Review Day

  • Review the Age of Exploration & Absolutism units


  1. Review Game - "Traders & Pirates"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

England in the Age of Absolutism

  • Explain the role of the Tudors in England
  • Describe the major events of the English Civil War


  1. Warm-up #9: See front board for a visual primary source
    1. What Monarch is depicted in this cartoon? (Hint: He's French)
    2. What do you think the artist's message is with this political cartoon?
  2. Notes: English Monarchs
  3. Video Clip: Worst Jobs in History
  4. Notes: English Civil War