Saturday, January 1, 2000
Crash Course: Chinese Revolutions
1. China had two revolutions in the 20th century. What two dates did these revolutions occur on?
2. What two reasons does John Green provide for the later getting much more attention?
3. Did the "self-strengthening" movement take effect in China during the 19th century?
4. Who was spurred to plot the overthrow of the dynasty after the Boxer Rebellion?
5. What this individual's "three principles of the people?"
6. After a briefly established government, what happens to China between 1912 and 1949?
7. What two groups were both trying to establish power over local landlords in China during this time?
8. The alliance between the communists and nationalists fell apart when ____ ___-___ grew frustrated with communists attempts at fomenting socialist revolution.
9. Who wins the Civil War?
10. Describe the Long March and its effects.
11. Who was occupying/invading China during much of this Civil War?
12. In 1942, what did Mao do to students and intellectuals?
13. In what year does Mao officially establish the People's Republic of China?
14. Describe some of the promises of the new government.
15. China's involvement in what war sparked a campaign to oppose America and resulted in most foreigners leaving the country?
16. What country did China look to as a model for industrialization?
17. How well did the first five year plan for industry work in China?
18. This growth would be difficult to sustain, so what "terrible plan" did Mao come up with.
19. Describe the details of this plan.
20. Between 1959 and 1962, how many people died? How many of them were estimated to be under the age of ten?
21. What were the four "olds" of the Cultural Revolution?
22. John Green argues it's hard to call China _______ today.
23. Why does John Green believe the first revolution war more signficant than Mao's revolution?
24. Why can't anyone in China legally watch this video?