Friday, September 30, 2011

La Marseillaise


  • Describe the major events of the French Revolution.
  • Analyze how the French Revolution promoted radical nationalism.
  • Short Period Today (1 hour)
  • Listen to the music and read the lyrics to the La Marseillaise (in the middle table).  Then, with a partner or small group answer the following questions using information from your reading and the source.
  • La Mareillaise (Primary Source)
    • Definitions
      • consort
      • furrow
      • cohort
      • phalanx
      • parricidal
      • despot
      • magnanimous
    • Besides a revolution, who are the French people fighting?  [textbook]
    • Examples  (for each, QUOTE it and then DESCRIBE it)
      • Give at least three examples of what they accuse foreign enemies and describe what each means in your own words.
      • Give at least one example of how they describe french soldiers and describe what it means in your own words.
      • Give at least one example of how the song claims French people will be victorious, and describe what it means in your own words.
  • PowerPoint:  French Revolution
  • Reading Quiz - French Revolution

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Roots of Revolution

  • Evaluate the three social contract theorists ideas
  • Explain the main causes of the French Revolution
  • Warm-Up #11: Describe your view of human nature.  Are people naturally bad?  good? selfish?  neutral?   Justify your response.
  • Brief Review:  Complete Hobbes vs. Locke Sheet
  • PowerPoint:  Enlightenment Philosophers
    • Rousseau
    • Montesquieu
  • PowerPoint:  The French Revolution
    • Causes of the French Revolution
  • Reading - French Revolution (due Friday)

Philosophers of the Enlightenment


  • Describe the major thinkers of the Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment
  • Analyze Voltaire's argument for religious toleration
  • Treatise on Toleration
    • Work with your groups to complete your primary source analysis
    • Due in 15 minutes
    • Class Discussion
      • Evaluate Voltaire's Defense of Religion
      • Why does Voltaire think it's crazy to try and coerce belief? 
      • Why is dogma dangerous?
      • Explain Voltaire's "Story of Religion"
  • PowerPoint:  Enlightenment Philosphers
    • Descarts
    • Thought Experiment: State of Nature
    • Hobbes
    • Locke
    • Rousseau

Monday, September 26, 2011

Enlightening Strikes!

  • Describe the major thinkers of the Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment
  • Analyze Voltaire's argument for religious toleration
  • Listen to music from this time period and prepare for your quiz!
  • Reading Quiz #4: Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment
  • PowerPoint:  Enlightenment
    • Paintings!
    • What is the Enlightenment?
      • Clip
    • Scientific Revolution
    • Ideals
  •  Treatise on Toleration
    • Introduction
      • Your book says Voltaire was a Deist.  Why does the introduction of this piece suggest that might not be accurate?
    • Usefulness of Religion
      • In his first two paragraphs he offers a defense of religion.  Summarize that defense.
      • Assume, for a moment, that Voltaire didn't actually believe this defense of false religion.  Why might he have written it anyway?
      • What damage has superstition done "in history" according to Voltaire?
      • He suggests France has been Enlightened.  During his time, what beliefs does he cite as common knowledge among the educated?  (page 2)
      • What would Voltaire call government officials who would try and restrict their scientific beliefs based on religious values? (page 2)
      • What is the most dangerous superstition, according to Voltaire? (page 2)
    • Virtue is Better Than Science
      • Define the word "dogma"
      • Why does Voltaire oppose dogmas?
      • Voltaire argues for freedom of belief at the end of this section.  How does he explain that the government cannot restrict it?
    • On Universal Tolerance
      • How should we regard all men?
      • Define the word "satire"
      • He tells an exaggerated, extreme story which he feels describes most religions.  (Read the story).  He then suggests to a clergyman that this is his story.  Summarize Voltaire's criticism of religion in this satirical story.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

English Civil War


  • Describe the impact of the English Civil War on Europe
  • Analyze the difference between Constitutional & Absolute Monarchy
  • Warm-Up #10:  See political cartoon on the projector.  What is the artist saying about Louis XIV?
  • PowerPoint:  English Civil War
    • Charles I
    • Conflict
      • Worst Jobs
    • The Commonwealth
    •  Constitutional Monarchy
      • Compare/Contrast in journals
  •  Reading Assignment (due Monday)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Accidentally deleted this day's agenda!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Trade & Travel Test

  • Describe how trade & travel affected Europe, the Ottomans, and the Ming.
  • Warm-U #9:  Read the following quote about the Age of Exploration.  What argument is Vonnegut trying to make about the way we often teach and study Europe's "discovery" of the Americas?  
“Teachers of children in the United States of America wrote this date on blackboards again and again, and asked the children to memorize it with pride and joy: 1492. The teachers told the children that this was when their continent was discovered by human beings. Actually, millions of human beings were already living full and imaginative lives on the continent in 1492. That was simply the year in which sea pirates began to cheat and rob and kill them.”    
- Kurt Vonnegut
  • Study for your test
  • Hand in...
    • Ming China Worksheet
    • Map of Modern East Asia  (staple to Ming sheet)
    • Any other missing work
  • Test #2 - Trade & Travel - Objective Section
  • Lunch
  • Test #2 - Trade & Travel - Essay Section

Review - Pirates!


  • Describe how trade & travel changed the world.
  • Pick up a copy of the Review Sheet.  Look it over in preparation for our review game.
  • Pirate History
  • Review Game - Pirates!
  • On your way out, get a copy of the Review Questions from the game to study.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ming China


  • Describe the major achievements of the Ming Dynasty
  • Warm-Up #8: What's the city of Constantinople known as today?  What group renamed it?
  •  The Ming Dynasty Empire (Worksheet)  due Tuesday, after test
    • Textbook Chapter 9.1 [10]
    • Map of Asia [10]                                due Tuesday, after test 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ottoman Empire

  • Describe the effect of geography on the development of societies.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Guns, Germs,and Steel

  • Describe the effect of geography on the development of societies.
  • Analyze how Pizarro was able to conquer the Inca while vastly outnumbered.
  • Finish your Lies My Teacher Told Me reading questions from yesterday with your group.  Turn them in 10:45.  They should be submitted to the inbox. Mr. M will be around to help you.
  • Discuss the Reading
  • Brief Explanation:  Aztecs & Cortez
  • Video:  Guns, Germs, and Steel
    • While you watch, complete the video sheet.

Monday, September 12, 2011


  • Describe the Atlantic Slave Trade
  • Evaluate how Colombus made contact with native people.
  •  Reading Quiz #3: Exploration
  • Warm-Up #6:  Wait for Mr. M's audio clip.  Based on the audio, describe what life was as a slave being transported across the Atlantic.
  • PowerPoint: Age of Exploration
    • Slave Trade
  •  Reading - Lies My Teacher Told Me
    • What's the first mistake textbooks make about Columbus' significance?
    • Loewen argues textbooks downplay economic and religious motives for European conquest; suggesting they reflect badly on "us" - who is "us"?
    • What problem does he suggest this lets "fester"?
    • List at least three things from the "collective story" of Columbus that Loewen calls into question.
    • What does Loewen say about Columbus' supposed tragic end?  Cite at least two specific examples from the text.
    • Describe the men and supplies provided by Ferdinand & Isabella for Columbus' second voyage.
    • Why did he need so much for this new mission?
    • How did Columbus ensure cooperation?
    • Describe the "Reign of terror in Hispaniola"
    • How did the Arawak population vary from 1492 to 1555.
    • How did Columbus' writings about the Arawaks become increasingly racist?
    • Why does Loewen believe racism helped promote this exploitation?
    • What are the problems with a textbook glorifying Columbus?

God, Gold, and Glory

  • Explain the motivations for European expansion and trade

  • Warm-Up #5:  Imagine you are living in Spain around 1500.  You've read Marco Polo's stories about his travels to the exotic lands to the East, and seen merchants come into port carrying spices they sell for huge sums of money.  You've heard tales of a new continent to the West, filled with savages who have never even heard of Christianity.  Why might you want to travel to one of these far-away lands, crossing an ocean to get there?
  • PowerPoint: Age of Exploration
    • Why Explore?
    • Trade Goods
    • Commerce
    • Technology
    • Explorers
    • Shift in Power
  •  Reading - 6.1: Exploration & Expansion
    • Follow reading guide to take notes
    • Prepare for tomorrow's quiz

Friday, September 9, 2011

Renaissance & Reformation Test

  • Describe the major events, people, and ideas of the Renaissance and Reformation
  • Warm-Up (not written) - Look over your notes + study guide, ask Mr. M for last-minute help with any missing concepts.
  • Renaissance & Reformation Test
  • Finish Luther
  • Exploration Reading Assignment Delayed! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Houses of the Renaissance

  • Review the major events, people, and ideas of the Renaissance and Reformation
  • No warm-up, instead move directly into review game groups.
  • Quick Notes!
  • Houses of the Renaissance:  Review Game

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

95 Theses

  • Explain the major causes and effects of the Reformation
  • Analyze Luther's arguments in the 95 Theses
  • When you come in, please pick up a copy of the 95 Theses from the Middle Table
  • Warm-Up #4: Using your notes, describe two causes of the Reformation.
  • 95 Theses (Primary Source)
    • Who wrote this document and in what year?
    • Define the following words:
      • Avarice
      • Exaction
      • Cajole
    • What does Luther see as the actual effect of selling indulgences?
    • Why does Luther think "good works" are better than apostolic pardons (indulgences)?
    •  What claims does Luther make about how the Pope would view the purchase of purchase of indulgences, if only he knew what was going on?
    • What does Luther think of Tetzel's claim about the power of papal pardons?
    • Summarize one of his arguments from "the questions of the people" in your own words.
  • Luther


  • Explain the major causes of the Reformation
  • Warm-Up #3: During the Reformation, one of the most important ideas promoted by Luther was to focus on individual interpretation of the Bible, rather than reliance on clergy. What invention made this shift possible?
  • Reformation Reading Quiz
  • Reformation Notes
  • Luther

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Medici

  • Analyze the Book of the Courtier
  • Describe the role of the Medici family in the Renaissance and Reformation 
  1.  No journal entry today.  Instead, work with your group to complete the Book of the Courtier analysis questions from yesterday.  (See previous agenda).  
  2. Collect Assignment
  3. Review Book of the Courtier
  4. Watch Medici:  Godfathers of the Renaissance
    1. Complete Video Guide 
Video did not work, ended up spending last 30 minutes of class starting Luther.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Renaissance

  • Explain the major causes of the Renaissance
  • Analyze the art, architecture, and writing of the Renaissance.
  1. * Next Reading Quiz Delayed From Friday Until Tuesday *
  2. Warm-Up #2: Mr. M will play two pieces of music. While they are playing..
    1. List three adjectives to describe the first song
    2. List three adjectives to describe the second song
    3. Explain one difference between the two songs.
  3. Renaissance Notes
    1. Origins
    2. Architecture
    3. Art
  4. Using Primary Sources
  5. Book of the Courtier  (answer the following in your group)
    1. Who wrote this book?
    2. What was his audience?  (Who would read this kind of book)
    3. Find at least 3 words that are difficult or you don’t understand, look them up, and write a definition.
    4. Describe at least 5 traits or skills a courtier should have, according to the author.
    5. What vocabulary term would describe someone with all these skills?