Reading #2: The Protestant Reformation

Chapter 5.3 - The Protestant Reformation    (p176-181)

Prelude to Reformation
  1. Describe Christian Humanism
  2. Who called Christianity, “the philosophy of Christ” and poked fun at too much the religion’s epmhasis on worldly things (pilgrimages, fasts, relics)
  3. Define salvation
  4. Define indulgence
  5. In what two ways were indulgences gained?
Martin Luther
  1. Where did Martin Luther live and study?
  2. What monk had an especially offensive slogan for the sale of indulgences?
  3. What did Martin Luther write and post on the Wittenburg Church door?
  4. Who called Luther, "some drunken little German who will amend his ways when he sobers up."?
  5. How did Luther break with the Church on the issue of salvation?
  6. What was he Edict of Worms?
  7. Who did Luther marry?
  8. What religion did he establish?
  9. What happened in 1524 that was "Luther's greatest challenge"?
Politics and the German Reformation
  1. In addition to ruling over the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V controlled what countries?
  2. What religion did Charles hope to keep his empire?
  3. What agreement did he reach with the German Princes in 1555, and what was it called?