Early Life
- Where was Napoleon born?
- Was he successful in Italy?
- What qualities did his strategies have that he became famous for?
- How did he win the support of people around him?
- Why did Napoleon suggest they attack the British colony of Egypt instead of Britain directly?
- Napoleon retreated his army from Egypt – what went wrong?
- What new government (in theory a republic) did Napoleon set up?
- In what year was Napoleon crowned emperor?
- In spite of destroying the democratic system in France, what did Napoleon claim?
- Louisiana Purchase (see sidebar)
- How did Napoleon benefit from the Louisiana purchase?
- How did the US benefit from the Louisiana purchase?
- Peace with the Church
- Was Napoleon himself religious?
- What deal did he make with the Catholic Church?
- Codification of the Laws
- Before the revolution, how many legal systems did France have?
- The Civil Code is commonly also known by what name?
- What freedoms did this code grant?
- How did this code affect women?
- Bureaucracy
- How were bureaucrats (government workers) different under Napoleon than previous regimes in France?
- Preserver of the Revolution?
- Give three examples of how Napoleon failed to uphold the values of the revolution
- Building the Empire
- What are the difference between dependent states and allied states?
- According to the map, by 1812, what four countries remained against Napoleon?
- Spreading the Principles of the Revolution
- What three principles did Napoleon seek to spread across Europe as he conquered.
- British Resistance
- Why wasn’t Napoleon ever able to beat Britain?
- At what battle did the British defeat the French and Spanish fleet in 1805.
- Describe the continental system
- Why did it fail?
- Nationalism
- How does your textbook define nationalism?
- What two ways did Napoleon arouse ideas of nationalism across Europe?
- Disaster in Russia
- Why did Napoleon invade Russia?
- How many men were in Napoleon’s grand army?
- What did Russian troops do, instead of engaging directly in battle?
- Why would they do this?
- How many French soldiers arrived back in Poland in 1813?
- How did other European states respond?
- Where was Napoleon sent to exile?
- Who was made the new King?
- The Final Defeat
- What did Napoleon do after he grew restless in exile?
- At what battle in Belgium was Napoleon finally defeated?
- Who led the army that defeated him?
- Where did they exile him to?