Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Middle Ages


  • Contrast the Middle Ages with the Renaissance
  • Explain the major causes of the Renaissance
  1. Warm-Up #1: In your journal, contrast the two examples of artwork on the front screen. Describe at least three differences.
  2. Brief History of Europe PowerPoint
    1. Middle Ages (Clips)
  3. Reading Quiz - The Renaissance (5.1)
  4. Renaissance Notes
    1. Origins
    2. Architecture

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Brief History of Europe

  • Finish setting up class materials and complete the Modern World History Pre-Test
  • Analyze how Europe has changed from Greece through the Middle Ages
  1. Setup
    1. Attendance
    2. Seating Chart
    3. Log In
    4. Website
    5. Journal
    6. Textbooks
      1. Reading Guide
      2. Example Notes
  2. MWH PreTest
  3. PowerPoint
    1. Agriculture
    2. Greece
    3. Rome
    4. Middle Ages (Clips)
  4. Work Time

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Introduction to Modern World History: 8/29/11

  • Explain classroom procedures and expectations
  • Analyze the purpose of studying history
  1. Attendance
  2. Syllabus
  3. Old Photos
  4. Introductions
    1. Student Introductions
    2. Questions for Mr. M
  5. Materials
    1. Books
    2. Blue Cards
    3. Info Sheets
  6. Computers
    1. Login
    2. Website
    3. Journal
  7. MWH Pretest
  8. Seven Questions