Crash Course - Buddha & Ashoka

  1. What system is composed of a pyramid of social groupings, ranging from Brahminsto Sudras?
  2. What is one's role in life and society called?
  3. If you are a Kshatriya, is it better to be a bad warrior than the world's best baker?
  4. What is one social advantage of a Dharma-based culture?
  5. What is the Hindu term for the cycle of rebirth, also known as Reincarnation?
  6. What Hindu law holds this whole system together, explaining how good people are reborn into a better life?
  7. What problem does Hinduism it face as a religion (at least from the perspective of the leadership)?
  1. Briefly summarize the story of Siddhartha Gautama
  2. What does "The Buddha" mean?
  3. List the four noble truths.  (Hint:  The text is in the upper right hand corner of the animation)
  4. In what country do Buddhist monks get to be cool kung-foo monks?
  5. Why might Buddhism be attractive to low-caste Hindus?
  6. What game has its basis in ancient India?
  1. What makes Hinduism a flexible religion?