2. What was "a devastating tactic combining quick movement of troops, tanks,and massive use of air power to support infantry movements."
3. What five countries was Germany able to conquer in the first nine months of the war using this tactic?
4. The _____ of ______ was a duel between the Royal Airforce and the German Luftwaffe.
5. In 1941, Germany broke its non-aggression pact with what country?
6. In 1941, what American military base was bombed by Japan?
7. Even Argentina was involved in the war - what did they provide to the British?
8. What was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of the war, with more than two million dead?
9. What term does John Green use to describe the American strategy in the pacific that took GIs closer and closer to Japan?
10. How did Canada's casualities in the war compare to the United States?
11. John Green finally confesses why he always makes fun of Canada - what is the real reason?
12. Hitler often spoke about _______ or living space for the German people.
13. What did Germany intend to do with this land?
14. How many Jews were killed by the nazis?
15. What country provides a strong counterexample to those who would argue the war was about Allied Democracy vs. Axis Totalitarianism
16. Who were the biggest imperialists of World War II?
17. How many people died in the Soviet Union during World War II?
18. Why were civilians targeted?
19. Why does John Green see the Holocaust as especially threatening from the perspective of Western history?
20. What does World War II force all of us to ask about the role of the West in the world?