Crash Course: Nationalism and Japan

- John Green argues nationalism was a global phenomenon that
affected countries outside of Europe.
List four countries he cites as evidence.
- What term describes “a centralized government that can claim
and exercise authority over a distinctive territory and a certain degree of linguistic
and cultural homogeneity.”
- What are three ways in which historians explain the
development of nationalism?
- What event in American history led to an increase in
nationalism in the United States?
- What impact did nationalism have on the Ottoman Empire?
- During the Tokugawa period, power rested mostly with local
lords known as _______.
- Two events challenged Japan.
The first was China’s defeat in the _______ wars.
- The second was the arrival of ______ ________.
- How did this lead to an increased sense of nationalism?
- What is the name of the Japanese parliament (a "deliberative assembly")?
- Describe two reforms instituted by the Meiji government that
led to increased nationalism.
- What is the purpose of public education, according to John