Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Renaissance

  • Explain the major causes of the Renaissance
  • Analyze the art, architecture, and writing of the Renaissance.
  1. * Next Reading Quiz Delayed From Friday Until Tuesday *
  2. Warm-Up #2: Mr. M will play two pieces of music. While they are playing..
    1. List three adjectives to describe the first song
    2. List three adjectives to describe the second song
    3. Explain one difference between the two songs.
  3. Renaissance Notes
    1. Origins
    2. Architecture
    3. Art
  4. Using Primary Sources
  5. Book of the Courtier  (answer the following in your group)
    1. Who wrote this book?
    2. What was his audience?  (Who would read this kind of book)
    3. Find at least 3 words that are difficult or you don’t understand, look them up, and write a definition.
    4. Describe at least 5 traits or skills a courtier should have, according to the author.
    5. What vocabulary term would describe someone with all these skills?