Friday, April 29, 2011

Causes of WW1 - April 29, 2011

  • Describe major people, events in the Indian independence movement


Music: Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand

  1. Warm-up #26: Explain the significance of this band's name to WW1. (Use Google!)
  2. CNN Student News
  3. Opening Discussion
    1. Why do people fight wars?
    2. What kinds of unexpected problems arise in wars?
    3. How do you think our culture views war?
    4. How can war be prevented / what alternatives exist?
  4. Notes - Origins of WW1
  5. Film - All Quiet on the Western Front

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Imperialism Test - April 28, 2011

  • Describe major people, events, and ideas in the age of Imperialism


  1. Newspaper Project Assembly / Turn In
  2. Test
  3. WW1 In Color (If extra time)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

India - April 26, 2011

  • Describe major people, events in the Indian independence movement


  1. Brief PowerPoint Notes
  2. Finish Gandhi
  3. Newspaper Project (due Tomorrow)
  4. Coming Up
    1. Tomorrow - Review
    2. Thursday - Test
    3. Friday - World War I

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gandhi - April 15, 2011

  • Describe major people and events in the Indian independent movement


  1. Food
  2. Gandhi

Thursday, April 14, 2011

India - April 14, 2011

  • Locate countries in Africa & Asia
  • Describe major people and events in the Indian independent movement


  1. Warm-up: Study maps!
  2. Map Test
    1. Africa - 20 countries
    2. Asia - 15 countries
  3. Newspaper Project
    1. Pick topics
    2. Finalize division of labor
    3. Work on assignments
  4. Gandhi (India Scenes)
  5. 7 Questions

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Newspaper Project - April 13, 2011

  • Locate countries in Africa & Asia
  • Explain the origins of Gandhi's ideas of passive resistance


  1. Warm-up #25: Why did Japan become an imperial power, while China was dominated by other countries?
  2. Map Review
    1. Study with alone or with a small group
    2. Africa Map Game
    3. East Asia Map Game
  3. Map Test Tomorrow
    1. Africa - 20 countries
    2. Asia - 15 countries
  4. Newspaper Project
    1. Pick topics
    2. Finalize division of labor
    3. Work on assignments
  5. Gandhi (South Africa Scenes)
  6. 7 Questions

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Imperialism in Asia - April 12, 2011

  • Analyze why Japan became an imperial power while China was dominated by Europeans


  1. Check Pinnacle - are you missing any work? Put it in the inbox now!
  2. Reading Quiz #12 (Imperialism in Asia)
  3. PowerPoint - Japan & China
  4. Work Time
    1. Asia Map (due Thursday)
    2. Study Africa & Asia Maps for Quiz (on Thursday)

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Congo After Leopold - April 11, 2011

  • Explain how the Congo has fared since Leopold lost control of the Congo Free State
  • Evaluate the effects of imperialism on the Congo


  1. Warm-up #24 - What dictator takes control of the Congo in 1965? Write his full name.
    1. Hint #1: His name means "The all-powerful warrior who, because of his endurance and inflexible will to win, will go from conquest to conquest leaving fire in his wake"
    2. Hint #2: Google is your friend
  2. Video: King Leopold's Ghost (to end - 58 minutes)
  3. Work Time
    1. Asia Reading (due tomorrow)
    2. Asia Map (due Wednesday)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Congo Free State - April 8, 2011

  • Explain the story of how and why Leopold II of Belgium conquered the Congo Free State.


  1. Warm up #23: Look at the image shown on the front screen.
    1. What happened to these boys?
    2. Why might someone do this to them?
  2. Video: King Leopold's Ghost
  3. Map of Africa

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Imperialism in Africa, April 7, 2011

  • Explain the motivations and technologies that promoted European imperialism.


  1. Warmup #23: We're reading a pair of primary sources today with many difficult words, Define these words below in your journal.
    1. sloth
    2. heathen
    3. folly
    4. proffered
    5. laurel
    6. vices
  2. Notes: Imperialism
  3. White Man's Burden
  4. Notes: Imperialism in Africa
    1. Film Clip: Zulu
  5. Map of Africa

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Industrial Revolution Test

  • Take the Nationalism & Industrial Revolution Exam


  1. Announcements
    1. Newspaper Project delayed until Wed after Spring Break
    2. Cultural Food EC (+8 points) due Fri before Spring Break
      1. Cook traditional food from anywhere in Africa or Asia
      2. Bring in a recipe by the end of the week & sign up
      3. Bring in the food next Friday to share with the class
      4. Get bonus points, eat, and watch Gandhi.
      5. You may work with a partner/group, but points are divided (unless you prepare additional dishes)
  2. Quick Study - 10 min
  3. Industrial Revolution Test
  4. Imperialism in Africa Packet (due Fri)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Industrial Revolution - April 5, 2011


  • Review for the Industrial Revolution Exam


  1. If you were out yesterday:
    1. Get the papers from the middle (review sheet + project sheet)
    2. Talk to people near you to get info about the project
    3. Correct the due date on the project sheet (currently set for Friday, April 15)
    4. Talk to Mr. M about getting a group if your friends did not already draft you
  2. Modern World History Card Game Review

Monday, April 4, 2011

Newspaper Project - Monday, April 4, 2011

  • Demonstrate understanding of events & ideas of the Industrial Revolution


  1. Get Stuff
    1. Pick up a review sheet and a newspaper project sheet from the middle table.
    1. On the newspaper sheet, find the due date and correct it. The due date should say: Friday April 15, 2011.
  2. Warm-up #23: Look at the terms on your review sheet. Find one person, term, or idea you aren't sure about and look it up in your notes then briefly define/describe it in your journal. If you can't find an answer, ask a nearby friend for help. If no one around you knows, ask Mr. M.
  3. CNN Student News
  4. 19th Century Newspaper Project
    1. Description
    2. Example
    3. Groups
    4. Begin Work
  5. For Wednesday: Industrial Revolution Test

Friday, April 1, 2011

Marxism, April 1, 2011

  • Explain the ideas of Marxism
  • Evaluate the ideas of Marxism


Music: Tracy Chapman - "Talkin' bout a Revolution" (1988)
  1. Warm-up #22: Imagine that school was optional, and you didn't need to work to make money.
    1. What would you do with your time?
      1. In two weeks?
      2. In two years?
      3. In two decades?
  2. Worst Jobs in History
    1. Victorian Era – Part 4, 6:40 – “The Work House” (6 min)
    2. Victorian Era – Part 5, 3:40 – “The Tanner” (8 min)
  3. Notes: Marxism
  4. Reading: "The Communist Manifesto"
  5. CNN Student News
  6. For Wednesday: Industrial Revolution Test