- Explain the causes of World War I
- Analyze the impact of the Industrial Revolution on World War I
- Warm-Up #4: Look at the image Mr. M is projecting on the board.
- What are the zig-zag lines in the image?
- Notes
- Watch: All Quiet on The Western Front
- Looking Ahead...
- Tomorrow - Quiz & Weapons
- Friday - Poetry and Propaganda
- Monday - Russian Revolution
- Analyze the effectiveness of Gandhi's non-violent direct action
- Describe the events that led to Indian Independence
- Gandhi (~45 minutes)
- India Notes
- Imperialism Timeline
- Looking Ahead...
- Friday - Gandhi, Timeline
- Monday - Review
- Tuesday - Imperialism Test
- Explain the key ideas of imperialism in China and Japan
- Analyze the effectiveness of Gandhi's non-violent direct action
- Reading Quiz #9 - Imperialism In Japan
- Imperialism Timeline
- Gandhi
- Looking Ahead...
- Thursday - Gandhi, Review
- Friday - Imperialism Test
- Explain the key ideas of imperialism in China and Japan
- Analyze the effectiveness of Gandhi's non-violent direct action
- Warm-Up #3: What was Gandhi's original profession?
- PowerPoint: Japan and China
- Movie: Gandhi
- Looking Ahead...
- Tuesday - Guidance Visit, Japanese Reading
- Wednesday - Reading Quiz, Imperialism Timeline, Gandhi
- Thursday - Gandhi, Review
- Friday - Imperialism Test
- Explain the key ideas of imperialism in China
- Analyze the effectiveness of Gandhi's non-violent direct action
- Warm-Up #2: How did imperialism under Leopold set the stage of the problems of the Democratic Republic of the Congo today?
- Reading Quiz: Imperialism in China
- Movie: Gandhi
- Looking Ahead...
- Monday - Begin reading about Japan, Watch Gandhi
- Tuesday - Reading Quiz on Japan, Compare Japan & China, Watch Gandhi
- Wednesday - Watch Gandhi, Discuss Nonviolence, Review
- Thursday - Imperialism Test
- Explain how the legacy of imperialism affects the Congo today
- Evaluate the role of the United States and the Cold War in shaping the history of the Congo.
- Start of class
- Get a copy of the King Leopold's Ghost video sheet and Imperialism in China reading guide from the middle table
- Start new document to store your warm-ups in.
- Warm-up #21: Who took control of the Congo after Leopold lost it?
- Video: King Leopold's Ghost (Part 2)
- Begin Homework Reading: Imperialism in China (Reading Quiz Tomorrow)
- Explain how imperialism impacted the people of the Congo
- Analyze how and why individuals willingly committed atrocities toward other human beings.
- Quote & Image
- PowerPoint Notes: The Congo Free State
- Origins
- Stanley
- The Railroad
- Rubber
- Military
- Hands
- Profits
- Exposure
- The End
- Reading & Worksheet
- Continue working on groups from yesterday
- Work on Newspaper
- Template at Public / Malafarina / Modern World History
- Key Due Dates:
- Worksheet @ End of Class Today
- Quiz @ Start of Class Tomorrow
- Newspaper @ End of Class Tomorrow
- Explain how imperialism impacted the people of the Congo
- Analyze how and why individuals willingly committed atrocities toward other human beings.
- Key Questions To Answer
- What happened in the Congo under Leopold's rule?
- Why were people willing to do such horrible things?
- Project Description
- Reading Packet
- Reading Guide (due on Wednesday, Nov 2nd @ end of class)
- Closed-Note Quiz (on Thursday, Nov 3rd @ start of class)
- Newspaper Project (due on Thursday, Nov 3rd @ end of class)
- Format
- Assigned Groups
- Emily R, Karolina, Aaron
- Brooke, Tim, Alex
- Emily B, Ali, Sam
- Evan, Ariana, Elizabeth
- Wyatt, Alison, Nikki
- Sarah, Connor, Andrea
- James, Mark, Karlye
- Setup Newspaper Template
- Begin Work