- Explain the role of monarchs in France, Russia, and England during the Age of Absolutism
- Analyze how England surpassed Spain as a world power
- Warm-Up #11: See projector for political cartoon question
- Who is depicted in this cartoon?
- What is the artist's message?
- Age of Absolutism Notes
- Continue Catherine the Great (Part 2 of 4)
- Looking Ahead
- Reading Quiz #4 on the Enlightenment (Wednesday)
- Complete reading guide in preparation
A note to parents:
Our school's ability to access google accounts, needed to update this website, has been intermittent at best over the last few weeks. As a result I've not been able to update the site as regularly as usual. I've attempted to update the homework and lessons list on the right to better reflect our progress. Hopefully this issue will be resolved shortly.