Thursday, May 24, 2012

WW2 Review

  • Describe the major events, ideas, and people of WWII.
  1. Review Game:  Barrage
    1. Answer question correctly to toss 3 chips in middle
    2. Gain points for each chip in scoring zones at end of the game
    3. If you chip lands on top of a another chip, that chip is removed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Pacific Theater & Civilian Bombings


  • Explain the causes and effects of the US entering WWII
  • Evaluate the use of bombings against civilians targets in WWII


Audio: "A Date That Will Live in Infamy" - FDR
  1. Warm-up #34: As you listen to this speech, imagine that you has just received the news about the attack on Pearl Harbor. 
    1. How would you feel?
    2. How would you want the US to respond?
  2. Notes - US Enters the War
    1. Video Clip:  The Pacific (10 minutes)
    2. Discussion: Attacks on Civilians
  3. Fog of War (20 minutes)
  4. Review Packet

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Holocaust


  • Analyze the causes of the Holocaust
  • Evaluate the role of individual responsibility in the Holocaust

  1. Discuss what students already know about the Holocaust
  2. Discuss Quote: "Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world he is responsible for everything he does." - John Paul Sartre
  3. Niemoller Poem
  4. Facts & Propaganda
  5. Readings
    1. Poems & Writings from Terezin
    2. The Confession
    3. Himmler's Speech at Posen
  6. (If Extra Time) - WW2 Review Packet

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Eastern Front

  • Analyze WW2 satire in Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator
  • Explain the major battles and events on the Eastern Front
  1. Satire
    1. Charlie Chaplain:  The Great Dictator
  2. The Eastern Front
    1. Notes
    2. Video Clip:  Stalingrad

Monday, May 14, 2012

Origins of World War 2

  • Explain the major causes and early battles of the second world war
  • Analyze the effectiveness of Winston Churchill's leadership in Great Britain during WW2
  • Examine the use of satire during WW2
  1. Start of WW2
    1. Early Aggression
    2. Poland
    3. France
    4. Britain
  2. Churchill's Speeches
    1. "Fight on the beaches"
    2. "Their finest hour"
    3. "Never have so many"
  3. Satire
    1. Charlie Chaplain:  The Great Dictator

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Soviet Union

  • Analyze how the Russian and French revolutions are similar
  • Describe the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin
  1. Music:  The Who - "Won't Get Fooled Again"
  2. Warm-Up #33:  This song is a song about revolutions, and it ends with the line:  "meet the new boss, same as the old boss."  How does this describe the French Revolution?
  3. Anatomy of a Revolution
  4. USSR under Stalin
  5. Primary Source - Soviet Union Jokes

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Rise of Totalitarianism

  • Explain how totalitarian regimes rose to power across Europe
  1. Warm-Up #32:  Describe one thing that happened to Germany at the end of or after World War 1 that might have helped encourage extremist beliefs and the rise of Hitler?
  2. Mussolini on Fascism
    1. Find it under Public / Malafarina / Modern World History
  3. WW2 - Rise of Totalitarianism Notes
    1. Hitler / Germany
    2. Stalin / USSR

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

World War 1Test / Ideologies

  • Describe major political ideologies
  • Explain how totalitarian regimes rose to power

  1. World War 1 Test
  2. Political Ideologies
    1. World's Smallest Political Quiz
  3. Handout: Vote
  4. Results of the Vote
  5. WW2 - Rise of Totalitarianism

Friday, May 4, 2012

Russian Revolution

  • Describe what life was like for soldiers in the trenches during WW1.
  • Analyze the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution
  1. Warm-Up #31.    See Projector For Warm-Up
    1. Is this picture propaganda?  If so, how do you know?  If not, why not?
  2. Notes - Russian Revolution
  3. All Quiet on the Western Front

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Propaganda & Poetry


  • Analyze how the weapons and tactics of World War 1 impacted the war

  • Propaganda
    • Examples
  • War Poets
    • Poetry Reading (as class)
      • "Base Details"
      • "One-Legged Man"
      • "Suicide in the Trenches"
      • "Back"
      • "Breakfast"
      • "Futility"
      • "Dulce et Decorum Est"
    • Discussion
  • All Quiet on the Western Front 
    • Complete Video Guide as you watch

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front

  • Analyze how the weapons and tactics of World War 1 impacted the war

  • Warfare 1917
    • Work with a partner or on your own
    • Complete a the Game Guide worksheet as you play
  • All Quiet on the Western Front 
    • Complete Video Guide as you watch

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weapons of WW1

  • Analyze how the weapons and tactics of World War 1 impacted the war

  • Reading Quiz #10 - 
  • Notes - Weapons of World War 1
    • Warfare 1917
      • Work with a partner or on your own
      • Complete a the Game Guide worksheet as you play