Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Test #5: Industrial Revolution

  • Analyze the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution 
  • Test #5: Industrial Revolution
  • Work Time
    • CRES Review Packet (not graded)
    • Industrial Revolution Project

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


  • Analyze the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution 
  • Music:  Sixteen Tons
  • Announcements
    • Due to snow, projects are delayed until next term. 
      • Apologies to those who were hoping for an extra grade this term, but there's no option.  I cannot control the weather or term dates.   Take advantage of your extra time
    • New due date is on Monday, April 8th.  This is nearly a two week extension due to Spring Break and conflicts with our CRES Exam (which is on Friday, April 5th)
  • Socialism Notes
  • Work Time
    • Study For Test
      • Use your reading notes, CC notes, and socialism handout
      • No essay on your test

    • Industrial Revolution Project
On Monday, we'll talk about socialism.
On Tuesday, we'll complete your test and begin CRES review.
On Wednesday, we'll present your projects.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Project Day #2

  • Analyze the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution 
  • Warm-Ups
    • Please format your warm-ups neatly and make sure that any missing warm-ups are completed.
    • Print your warm-ups, staple them, and turn them into the inbox.
    • If you do not have enough time to do so before the quiz, you may turn them in later this period during our project work time.
  • Quiz #12: Mass Society, Capitalism, and Socialism
  • Work Time
    • Industrial Revolution Project
On Monday, we'll talk about socialism.
On Tuesday, we'll complete your test and begin CRES review.
On Wednesday, we'll present your projects.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Working Conditions

  • Analyze the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution 
  • Working Conditions:  Video
    • Building Railroads - Worst Jobs Victorian Era (Part 1-2)
    • Factory Labor - Modern Times (20 minutes)
  • Working Conditions: Primary Source
    • Describe 5 problems faced by workers in the Industrial Revolution.  Cite one passage to support each answer.
    • Why didn’t these workers simply find another, better job?
    • Do you think they were treated fairly?
    • How could the workers act to try and improve this labor system?
  • Work Time
    • Projects
    • Mass Society Reading & Capitalism/Socialism CC (due tomorrow)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Project Day #1

  • Analyze the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution
  • No written warm-up.  Instead, please check Pinnacle for any missing assignments.  You have exactly one week left in the marking period to hand in missing work.  Talk to Mr. M if you have any questions or concerns.   As a reminder, your warm-ups will be turned in next week, and will be worth roughly 30 points.  If you are missing any, it is recommended you use some of the time today to turn them in.
  • Announcements
    • Mass Society / Capitalism & Socialism Quiz delayed until Friday
  • Quiz #11:  Industrial Revolution
  • Project Description
  • Work Time
    • Projects
    • Mass Society Reading & Capitalism/Socialism CC (due Friday)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


  • Analyze the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution
  • Warm-Up #23: What technology created in the last 250 years has had the most impact on your life?  Explain your response.
  • Announcements
    • This unit is going to be structured a bit differently.  It will have very few lecture notes.  Instead, we'll be doing the following:
      • Assignment #1:  Industrial Revolution  (Quiz Wednesday)
        • Chapter 12.1 Reading
        • Crash Course 32
      • Assignment #2: Mass Society, Capitalism, and Socialism  (Quiz  Thursday )
        • Chapter 13.1 Reading
        • Crash Course 33
      • Lesson on Working Conditions
        • Video Clips & Primary Source
      • Project: Industrial Revolution
        • Write journals or letters, perform a skit or song, or give a speech about the Industrial Revolution.  Details to follow!
  • Work Time
    • Industrial Revolution Reading & Industrial Revolution CC  (due Wednesday )
    • Mass Society Reading & Capitalism/Socialism CC (due Thursday)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Test #4: Revolution & Reaction

  • Describe the major events of the American, French, Haitian, and Latin American Revolutions
  • Test #1 - Revolution & Reaction
  • Work Time

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Haiti and Latin America

  • Describe the major events of the Haitian and Latin American Revolutions
  • Warm-Up #22:   Describe one similarity and one difference between Toussant L'Overture and George Washington.
  • Quiz #10 - Haitian and Latin American Revolutions
  • PowerPoint: Haitian and Latin American Revolutions
  • Work Time
    • Test Monday: Revolution & Reaction
    • Crash Course: Industrial Revolution & Capitalism

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Napoleon's Fall

  • Describe the events that led to Napoleon's fall
  • Mystery Music - Do you recognize this song?
  • Warm-Up #21:  Why were the French people so willing to support a dictator like Napoleon?
  • PowerPoint Notes
    • Fall of Napoleon
    • Age of Reaction
    • Revolutions of 1848
  • Work Time
    • Crash Course Quiz Thursday:  Haiti & Latin America
    • Test Monday: Revolution & Reaction

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Napoleon's Rise

  • Describe the events that led to Napoleon's rise
  • Warm-Up #20:  Describe at least two personality traits or skills that made Napoleon successful in the siege of Toulon, and that you imagine would serve him well during his rise to power in France.
  • Quiz #9: Age of Napoleon
  • PowerPoint Notes: Rise of Napoleon
  • Work Time
    • Crash Course Quiz Thursday:  Haiti & Latin America
    • Test Monday: Revolution & Reaction

Monday, March 11, 2013

Heroes & Villains: Napoleon

  • Describe the events that led to Napoleon's rise
  • Warm-Up #19:  Write a paragraph describing the major events of the French Revolution.  Mr. M will give you a few extra minutes to work on this longer-than-normal warm-up.   Your answer should include information about the following:
    • The two major "phases" of the revolution
    • Estates General / National Assembly
    • The document created by the National Assembly (DOROMAC!)
    • Louis XVI
    • Marat
    • Robespierre
    • Napoleon
  • Heroes and Villains: Napoleon
  • Work Time
    • Reading Quiz Tomorrow: Napoleonic Era
    • Crash Course Quiz Thursday:  Haiti & Latin America
    • Test Monday: Revolution & Reaction

Friday, March 8, 2013

Radical Revolution / Napoleon

  • Describe the major causes and effects of the French Revolution
  • Music: "Do You Hear The People Sing"
    • Lyrics
    • This is a song from the musical Les Miserables.  The song here is not actually about the French Revolution, but about the June Rebellion of 1832 - a failed revolt.  Yet this rebellion embraces the spirit of the French Revolution and some argue served as an inspiration for later revolts in 1848.
  • Warm-Up #18:  Describe three causes of the French Revolution
  • PowerPoint - French Revolution
    • Radical Phase
  • Napoleon:  Heroes and Villains (Part 1)
  • Reading Quiz (Tuesday)
    • The Age of Napoleon - Section 10.3

Thursday, March 7, 2013

French Revolution

  • Analyze the causes and effects of the French Revolution
  • Quiz #8:  American and French Revolution
  • Review Quiz
  • PowerPoint: French Revolution
  • La Marseillaise (Primary Source)
    • Listen to the music and read the lyrics to the La Marseillaise (see right bar for Lyrics document!).  Then, with a partner or small group answer the following questions using information from your reading and the source.
  • Questions
    • Define the following words from the document:
      • consort
      • furrow
      • cohort
      • phalanx
      • parricidal
      • despot
      • magnanimous
    • Besides a revolution, who are the French people fighting?  [from reading / CC]
    • Examples  (for each, in your OWN WORDS it and then QUOTE it)
      • Give at least three examples of what they accuse foreign enemies and describe what each means in your own words.
      • Give at least one example of how they describe french soldiers and describe what it means in your own words.
      • Give at least one example of how the song claims French people will be victorious, and describe what it means in your own words.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Test #3: Absolutism & Enlightenment

  • Describe the major effects of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
  • Bonus Open-Note Quiz:  French Revolution
    • You will gain bonus points on your test based on your bonus quiz score as follows:
      • 4-7 points = +1
      • 8-11 points = +2
      • 12 or more points = +3
  • Review For Test
  • Test #3: Absolutism and Enlightenment
  • Crash Course (due next day of class)
    • American Revolution
    • French Revolution

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Test #3 Review

Mr. M is out sick today, and thus you have a day to review and begin preparing for our next unit on the French Revolution.

Your assignment is twofold:

(1)  Read and take notes on chapter 11.1 to begin studying the French Revolution.  This section does not have a reading guide you'll need to read it closely and record main ideas for each section.  You will have a short quiz on this tomorrow in addition to your regularly scheduled test on Unit #3: Absolutism & Enlightenment. Tips below:

  • Anything highlighted should be recorded
  • Anything that looks like a vocabulary term should be recorded
  • Know the three estates
  • If no key terms were spotted, summarize the main idea of each paragraph 
  • Make sure you're reading everything for comprehension, not simply jotting down keywords for the quiz.

(2) Any remaining time should be used to study for the test.  Use the study guide on the right to quiz a partner or study quietly.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Enlightenment

  • Describe the major effects of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
  • Warm-up #17:  List two traits or ideas that are valued by Enlightenment thinkers, and give a one sentence description of each trait or idea.
  • PowerPoint:  The Enlightenment
  • Primary Source: Voltaire's Treatise on Toleration
    • Introduction
      • Your book says Voltaire was a Deist.  Why does the introduction of this piece suggest that might not be accurate?
    • Usefulness of Religion 
      • In his first two paragraphs he offers a defense of religion.  Summarize that defense.
      • Assume, for a moment, that Voltaire didn't actually believe this defense of false religion.  Why might he have written it anyway?
      • What damage has superstition done "in history" according to Voltaire?
      • He suggests France has been Enlightened.  During his time, what beliefs does he cite as common knowledge among the educated?  (page 2)
      • What would Voltaire call government officials who would try and restrict their scientific beliefs based on religious values? (page 2)
      • What is the most dangerous superstition, according to Voltaire? (page 2)
    • Virtue is Better Than Science
      • Define the word "dogma"
      • Why does Voltaire oppose dogmas?
      • Voltaire argues for freedom of belief at the end of this section.  How does he explain that the government cannot restrict it?
      • On Universal Tolerance
      • How should we regard all men?
  • Class Discussion
    • Evaluate Voltaire's Defense of Religion
    • Why does Voltaire think it's crazy to try and coerce belief? 
    • Why is dogma dangerous?
    • Explain Voltaire's "Story of Religion"
  • If Extra Time - Begin Test Prep