Thanks again for everyone's patience. My condition got a little worse, so I do not expect to be in school until Thursday at the earliest. I certainly don't want to spread the Black Death to any of you.
Today's agenda is the following:
- Read the Syallabus - and make some mental notes if you have any questions. We're going to hit the ground running when I am back, so we're skipping the whole "Syllabus day" routine.
- Take your open note quiz on the Renaissance
- 14 points, 15 questions. Good luck!
- Watch John Green talk about Agiculture and introduce you to Crash Course World History
- Crash Course #1 - Agriculture
- Watch John Green talk about the Renaissance and evaluate whether it was really a thing or not
- Crash Course #22 - The Renaissance
You can find these videos by looking on the public drive under the Malafarina folder. Check under "Modern World History" or "Crash Course" - I'm not sure of the exact path, but I know they are there! Once you find them, please share them with a neighbor. They're also available on youtube and linked from the website.
I'm not going to give you a video quiz on these two sections. I'm simply asking that you watch them and really think about it. The information from these videos *is* fair game for your first test, so you are welcome to take a few notes.
If you have extra time this period, it is yours - just make sure you don't disturb your neighbors if they're still working. Tomorrow you guys will be watching a video, and if we're lucky I'll be back on Thursday to get things rolling.