- Monday: Reading / CC / Project Time
- Nationalism and Unification of Italy & Germany
- Quiz on Imperialism in China / Discuss Africa
Monday, April 18, 2016
Work Day
Agenda For This Week
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Socialism II
- Socialism PowerPoint
Coming Up
- Tomorrow - Finish Socialism / Project Day
- Friday - Test on Industrial Revolution, Capitalism, and Socialism
- Monday - Imperialism
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Industrial Revolution
- Quiz #11 - Industrial Revolution
- PowerPoint: Industrial Revolution
- Due Tuesday - Quiz #12: Capitalism & Socialism
Friday, March 18, 2016
Test #4 - Revolution & Reaction
- Test #4 - Revolution and Reaction
- Work on Industrial Revolution Reading + CC
- See Unit Page for Assignments
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Fall of Napoleon & Age of Reaction
- Quiz on Latin American Revolutions
- Fall of Napoleon
- Age of Reaction
- Latin American Revolutions
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
- Tommy - Rise of Napoleon
- Malafarina - Napoleon in Power
- Quiz Tomorrow on Haitian and Latin American Rev
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Radical Revolution
- Describe the major causes and effects of the French Revolution
- Music: "Do You Hear The People Sing"
- Lyrics
- This is a song from the musical Les Miserables. The song here is not actually about the French Revolution, but about the June Rebellion of 1832 - a failed revolt. Yet this rebellion embraces the spirit of the French Revolution and some argue served as an inspiration for later revolts in 1848.
- Warm-Up #18: Describe three causes of the French Revolution
- PowerPoint - French Revolution
- Radical Phase
- Reading Quiz (Thursday)
- Haitian & Latin American Revolutions
- Coming Up...
- Wed: Napoleon
- Thurs: Reaction
- Friday: Test
Friday, March 11, 2016
French Revolution
- Analyze the causes and effects of the French Revolution
- PowerPoint: French Revolution
- La Marseillaise (Primary Source)
- Listen to the music and read the lyrics to the La Marseillaise (see unit page for lyrics document). Then, with a partner or small group answer the following questions using information from your reading and the source.
- Questions
- Define the following words from the document:
- consort
- furrow
- cohort
- phalanx
- parricidal
- despot
- magnanimous
- Besides a revolution, who are the French people fighting? [from reading / CC]
- Examples (for each, in your OWN WORDS it and then QUOTE it)
- Give at least three examples of what they accuse foreign enemies and describe what each means in your own words.
- Give at least one example of how they describe french soldiers and describe what it means in your own words.
- Give at least one example of how the song claims French people will be victorious, and describe what it means in your own words.
- Extra Time: Crash Course
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Enlightenment - Part II
- Instead of a warm-up, read this article about Donald Trump and the Great Wall of China - links back to the Ming Dynasty from last unit!
- Enlightenment PowerPoint
- Finish up Catherine the Great Video
Friday, March 4, 2016
Enlightenment - Part 1
- Warm-Up #6 - Describe the major differences between an Absolute and Constitutional Monarchy.
- Enlightenment PowerPoint (Part 1)
- Catherine the Great - Video
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Bonus Day!
- Review DBQs and study the Ottoman Empire
- Oh no! Mr. M left his hard drive at home... with the quiz on it.
- Ottoman Empire
- Review DBQ Rubric in Groups!
- Assignments
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Monday
- Test #2 on Tuesday
- Coming Up
- Monday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Tuesday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Practice DBQ - Day Two

- Learn how to write a document based question
- No Warm-Up Today
- Write DBQ
- Review DBQ Rubric in Groups!
- Assignments
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Friday
- Test #2 on Monday
- Coming Up
- Friday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Monday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
- Tuesday - Absolutism Lesson
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Practice DBQ - Day One

- Learn how to write a document based question
- No Warm-Up Today
- Quiz #5 - Islam and Buddhism
- How To DBQ!
- Assignments
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Friday
- Test #2 on Monday
- Coming Up
- Wednesday - Quiz & DBQ
- Thursday - DBQ
- Friday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Monday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
- Tuesday - Absolutism Lesson
Monday, February 22, 2016
- Learn the major tenets of Buddhist philosophy
- Warm-Up #5 - Describe something that has recently caused your suffering, something you find intensely frustrating, or something that causes you worry and anxiety.
- Your quiz is delayed until tomorrow!
- Buddhism PowerPoint
- Ethics for the New Millenium Reading
- Discussion
- Assignments
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Friday
- Test #2 on Friday
- Coming Up
- Wednesday - Quiz & DBQ
- Thursday - DBQ
- Friday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Monday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
Friday, February 19, 2016
Guns Germs and Steel (Part 2)

- Describe the effect of geography on the development of societies.
- Analyze how Pizarro was able to conquer the Inca while vastly outnumbered.
- Warm-Up #4: Summarize Jared Diamond's main argument about why some societies gain an advantage over others in a sentence or two.
- Video: Guns, Germs, and Steel
- While you watch, complete the video sheet.
- Work Time!
- Assignments
- Quiz #5 - Buddhism and Islam on Tuesday
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Thursday
- Test #2 on Friday
- Coming Up
- Monday - GG&S and Work Time
- Tuesday - Quiz & DBQ
- Wednesday - DBQ
- Thursday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Friday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
- Monday - Absolutism Lesson
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Part One)

- Describe the effect of geography on the development of societies.
- Analyze how Pizarro was able to conquer the Inca while vastly outnumbered.
- Warm-Up #3: List two things (plant, diseases, animal) that the Americas got from Europe and two things that Europe got from the Americas in the Colombian Exchange.
- PowerPoint
- Slave Trade
- Aztec
- Inca
- Video: Guns, Germs, and Steel
- While you watch, complete the video sheet.
- Assignments
- Quiz #5 - Buddhism and Islam on Tuesday
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Thursday
- Test #2 on Friday
- Coming Up
- Monday - GG&S and Work Time
- Tuesday - Quiz & DBQ
- Wednesday - DBQ
- Thursday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Friday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
- Monday - Absolutism Lesson
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Slave Trade & Colombus
- Explain the major causes of European Exploration
- Describe how the rise commerce leads to a change in world power
- Warm-Up #7
- Wait for instructions from Mr. M. He will play an audio clip, and afterward you will answer the following question. What was life like for a slave being transported across the Atlantic? Give at least three specific details from the audio account.
- Reading - Lies My Teacher Told Me
- What is the first mistake textbooks make about Columbus' significance?
- Loewen argues textbooks downplay economic and religious motives for European conquest; suggesting they reflect badly on "us" - who is "us"?
- What problem does he suggest this lets "fester"?
- List at least three things from the "collective story" of Columbus that Loewen calls into question.
- What does Loewen say about Columbus' supposed tragic end? Cite at least two specific examples from the text. [Your words, then two quotes to support]
- Describe the men and supplies provided by Ferdinand & Isabella for Columbus' second voyage.
- Why did he need so much for this new mission?
- How did Columbus ensure cooperation?
- Describe the "Reign of terror in Hispaniola"
- How did the Arawak population vary from 1492 to 1555.
- How did Columbus' writings about the Arawaks become increasingly racist?
- Why does Loewen believe racism helped promote this exploitation?
- What are the problems with a textbook glorifying Columbus?
- Discussion
- Homework
- For Tuesday- Quiz #5: Buddhism (CC6) & Islam (CC13)
- For Thursday - Quiz #6: Mongols (CC17) & 15th Century Mariners (CC21)
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
- Explain the major causes of European Exploration
- Describe how the rise commerce leads to a change in world power
- Quiz - Slave Trade & Colombian Exchange
- Setting Up Journal
- Warm-Up #1
- Imagine you are living in Spain during the 1500s. What might encourage you to get on a wooden boat and travel for months to Asia or the Americas using an untested and dangerous route?
- Age of Exploration PowerPoint
- Why?
- Goods
- Commerce
- Technology
- Explorers
- Shifts in Power
- Homework
- For Monday - Quiz #5: Buddhism (CC6) & Islam (CC13)
- For Wednesday - Quiz #6: Mongols (CC17) & 15th Century Mariners (CC21)
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