Objective- Analyze Cold War policies including MAD and Containment
- Explain the major events of the Cold War 1949-1954
Music: 1940s/1950s Playlist- PowerPoint: Quick Notes
- Cold War Game: Round 3
- Events
- Budget
Objective- Analyze Cold War policies including MAD and Containment
- Explain the major events of the Cold War 1949-1954
Music: 1940s/1950s Playlist- PowerPoint: Quick Notes
- Cold War Game: Round 3
- Events
- Budget
Objective- Analyze Cold War policies including MAD and Containment
- Explain the major events of the Cold War 1945-1949
Music: 1940s/1950s Playlist- Cold War Packet
- Cold War Game: Round 2
- Events
- Budget
Objective- Analyze Cold War policies including MAD and Containment
- Explain the major events of the Cold War 1945-1949
Music: 1940s/1950s Playlist- Cold War Packet
- Notes
- "Duck And Cover"
- Cold War Game: Round 1
- Look at Posts
- Resolve Events
- Determine Budget
- CNN Student News (if time)

Objective- Analyze Cold War policies including MAD and Containment
- Explain the major events of the Cold War 1945-1947
Music: 1940s/1950s Playlist- Setup
- Get in Cold War Groups
- Log in to your account
- Read objectives (in folder)
- Cold War Game: Round 1 (1945-1947)
- (If Time) Work on Cold War Packet

Objective- Explain the major events, people, and ideas of WW1 & WWII
- Introduce the main themes of the Cold War
- New Seats - Cold War Groups
- Log in as your faction / make bookmarks
- To blogger
- To gmail
- Find "Profile" options
- World Wars Test
- Post-Test
- Set up country profile
- Look at project docs
- Research events (1945-1947)
- Creation of Israel
- Marshall Plan
- Molotov Plan
- Greek Civil War
- Chinese Civil War
- PowerPoint
- Cold War Intro
- Cold War Game Explanation

Objective- Review the major events, people, and ideas of WW1 & WWII
- Work on World Wars Review Packet
- Group Review

Objective- Explain the causes and effects of the US entering WWII
- Evaluate the use of bombings against civilians targets in WWII
"A Date That Will Live in Infamy" - FDR- Warm-up #35: As you listen to this speech, imagine you're alive as this event occured:
- How would you feel?
- What event in more recent history does this resemble?
- Notes - US Enters the War
- Discussion: Attacks on Civilians
- Fog of War (20 minutes)
- Review Packets
Note: HSA Biology - Missing 10 studentsObjective- Review the major events, people, and ideas of WW1 & WWII
- Work on World Wars Review Packet

Note: HSA English - Missing 6 studentsObjective- Analyze satire from WW
- Review the major people, events, and ideas of the World Wars
- CNN Student News
- Charlie Chaplin - The Great Dictator" (Clips)
- United Nations & Human Rights

Objective- Explain the major events of the Eastern Front in WWII
- Analyze propaganda in WWII
- CNN Student News
- Warm-up #34:
- What was Napoleon's biggest mistake?
- Why was it such a mistake?
- Who should have taken MWH to learn that and not repeat it?
- Eastern Front (Notes)
- Propaganda & Satire
- Posters (PowerPoint)
- Disney - "Der Fuhrer's Face"
- Charlie Chaplin - "The Great Dictator"

Objective- Analyze the causes of the Holocaust
- Evaluate the role of individual responsibility in the Holocaust
- No Warm-up: "Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world he is responsible for everything he does." - John Paul Sartre
- Niemoller Poem
- Facts & Propaganda
- Readings
- Poems & Writings from Terezin
- The Confession
- Himmler's Speech at Posen
- Video: One Survivor Remembers

bjective- Explain the major events in the early years of WWII
- Analyze the speeches of Winston Churchill during WWII
- Warm-up #33: "Won't Get Fooled Again" - The Who
- Lyrics
- What political statement does this song make about revolutions?
- How does this song relate to the "Anatomy of a Revolution" theory about the results of the French and Russian revolutions?
- Life in the USSR
- Worksheet
- Primary Source: Jokes about the Soviet System by Russians
- Discussion
- Start of WW2
- Early Aggression
- Poland
- France
- Britain
- Churchill's Speeches
- "Fight on the beaches"
- "Their finest hour"
- "Never have so many"

Objective- Describe how Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin rose to power
- Analyze the impact of totalitarian regimes on people's lives.
- Warm-up #32: Why did people in Germany support Hitler after WW1?
- Notes
- Totalitarianism
- Mussolini
- Hitler
- Anatomy of a Revolution
- Stalin
- Life in the USSR
- Worksheet
- Primary Source: Jokes about the Soviet System by Russians
- Seven Questions

Objective- Describe the five major ideologies of the 20th century
- Evaluate their merits and impact on the world
- Warm-up #31
- Should the government try to promote equality by redistributing wealth through public programs (Medicare, social security, public schools) and progressive taxation (wealthy get taxed a higher rate)? Why or why not?
- Should the government restrict certain social or personal activities that do not directly harm others (same-sex marriage, access to abortions, drug use, prostitution) for the greater good or public morality? Why or why not?
- Ideologies Introduction [At Computers]
- Political Compass Test
- Political Ideologies (PowerPoint & Notes) [In Middle]
- Discussion: Which ideas are best?
- Seven Questions

Objective- Explain the events that led to an allied victory in WW1
- Analyze the impact of the Great Depression on Europe.
- After WW1, the Americas and Europe were plunged into a great depression, triggered by a stock market crash in New York. Different groups argued for different solutions to the problem. Look at the ballot Mr. M hands out, and vote for the party (circle their number) that you think would be best to represent your country in that situation.
- Notes - The End of the War & Great Depression
- Donald Trump
- CNN Student News
- Seven Questions

Objective- Explain the causes and major events of the Russian Revolution
- Warmup #30: Look at the image being projected.
- This is a picture of Vladimir Lenin, a revolutionary who becomes the first leader of the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution of 1917.
- Is this picture propaganda? Why or why not?
- Notes - Russian Revolution
- All Quiet on the Western Front

Objective- Examine what life was like in the trenches
- Analyze the poems of the Owen, Gibson, and Sassoon.
- Warmup #29: Imagine you're fighting in the trenches during WW1.
- What sounds would you hear?
- What things would you smell?
- What emotions would you feel?
- What would you wish for?
- WW1 Propaganda
- War Poets
- All Quiet on the Western Front
Short period (1 hour) due to two hour early dismissal
Objective- Explain the military strategies and nature of warfare during the First World War
- Analyze how technology impacted the First World War
- Warm-up #28: Look at the image on the board
- What is this a picture of?
- Why are they in zig-zag patterns?
- Weapons & Battles Notes
- Clip: WW1 in Color - Planes at Sea
- All Quiet on the Western Front
Objective- Explain the military strategies and nature of warfare during the First World War
- Analyze how technology impacted the First World War
- Reading: Weapons of Trench Warfare
- Warm-up #27: Based on the reading, if you had to equip an army with only three types weapons for your army to use in WW1, which three would you pick and why?
- Presidential Address (Bin Laden Killed) - 10 min
- Activity
- Warfare 1917
- Link: http://armorgames.com/play/2267/warfare-1917
- Game Guide Sheet