Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Origins of the Renaissance - Tues Jan 25

  • Explain why the Renaissance occurred in Italy
  • Analyze the traits of a Renaissance Man
  • Evaluate the uses of primary sources
  1. Warm-up: #2 - Look at p355 of your textbook. Write two reasons the Renaissance occurred in Italy in your journal.

  2. PowerPoint
    1. Origins
    2. Architecture

  3. Using Primary Sources
    1. Definition
    2. Pros
    3. Cons
    4. Video Clip

  4. The Book of the Courtier (Excerpt)
    1. Before: "What is a Renaissance Man?"
    2. During: Underline key ideas
    3. After: Discuss traits of an ideal courtier

  5. Work Time

  6. Renaissance Reading (15.1-15.2) is due Tomorrow