- Monday: Reading / CC / Project Time
- Nationalism and Unification of Italy & Germany
- Quiz on Imperialism in China / Discuss Africa
Monday, April 18, 2016
Work Day
Agenda For This Week
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Socialism II
- Socialism PowerPoint
Coming Up
- Tomorrow - Finish Socialism / Project Day
- Friday - Test on Industrial Revolution, Capitalism, and Socialism
- Monday - Imperialism
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Industrial Revolution
- Quiz #11 - Industrial Revolution
- PowerPoint: Industrial Revolution
- Due Tuesday - Quiz #12: Capitalism & Socialism
Friday, March 18, 2016
Test #4 - Revolution & Reaction
- Test #4 - Revolution and Reaction
- Work on Industrial Revolution Reading + CC
- See Unit Page for Assignments
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Fall of Napoleon & Age of Reaction
- Quiz on Latin American Revolutions
- Fall of Napoleon
- Age of Reaction
- Latin American Revolutions
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
- Tommy - Rise of Napoleon
- Malafarina - Napoleon in Power
- Quiz Tomorrow on Haitian and Latin American Rev
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Radical Revolution
- Describe the major causes and effects of the French Revolution
- Music: "Do You Hear The People Sing"
- Lyrics
- This is a song from the musical Les Miserables. The song here is not actually about the French Revolution, but about the June Rebellion of 1832 - a failed revolt. Yet this rebellion embraces the spirit of the French Revolution and some argue served as an inspiration for later revolts in 1848.
- Warm-Up #18: Describe three causes of the French Revolution
- PowerPoint - French Revolution
- Radical Phase
- Reading Quiz (Thursday)
- Haitian & Latin American Revolutions
- Coming Up...
- Wed: Napoleon
- Thurs: Reaction
- Friday: Test
Friday, March 11, 2016
French Revolution
- Analyze the causes and effects of the French Revolution
- PowerPoint: French Revolution
- La Marseillaise (Primary Source)
- Listen to the music and read the lyrics to the La Marseillaise (see unit page for lyrics document). Then, with a partner or small group answer the following questions using information from your reading and the source.
- Questions
- Define the following words from the document:
- consort
- furrow
- cohort
- phalanx
- parricidal
- despot
- magnanimous
- Besides a revolution, who are the French people fighting? [from reading / CC]
- Examples (for each, in your OWN WORDS it and then QUOTE it)
- Give at least three examples of what they accuse foreign enemies and describe what each means in your own words.
- Give at least one example of how they describe french soldiers and describe what it means in your own words.
- Give at least one example of how the song claims French people will be victorious, and describe what it means in your own words.
- Extra Time: Crash Course
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Enlightenment - Part II
- Instead of a warm-up, read this article about Donald Trump and the Great Wall of China - links back to the Ming Dynasty from last unit!
- Enlightenment PowerPoint
- Finish up Catherine the Great Video
Friday, March 4, 2016
Enlightenment - Part 1
- Warm-Up #6 - Describe the major differences between an Absolute and Constitutional Monarchy.
- Enlightenment PowerPoint (Part 1)
- Catherine the Great - Video
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Bonus Day!
- Review DBQs and study the Ottoman Empire
- Oh no! Mr. M left his hard drive at home... with the quiz on it.
- Ottoman Empire
- Review DBQ Rubric in Groups!
- Assignments
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Monday
- Test #2 on Tuesday
- Coming Up
- Monday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Tuesday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Practice DBQ - Day Two

- Learn how to write a document based question
- No Warm-Up Today
- Write DBQ
- Review DBQ Rubric in Groups!
- Assignments
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Friday
- Test #2 on Monday
- Coming Up
- Friday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Monday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
- Tuesday - Absolutism Lesson
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Practice DBQ - Day One

- Learn how to write a document based question
- No Warm-Up Today
- Quiz #5 - Islam and Buddhism
- How To DBQ!
- Assignments
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Friday
- Test #2 on Monday
- Coming Up
- Wednesday - Quiz & DBQ
- Thursday - DBQ
- Friday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Monday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
- Tuesday - Absolutism Lesson
Monday, February 22, 2016
- Learn the major tenets of Buddhist philosophy
- Warm-Up #5 - Describe something that has recently caused your suffering, something you find intensely frustrating, or something that causes you worry and anxiety.
- Your quiz is delayed until tomorrow!
- Buddhism PowerPoint
- Ethics for the New Millenium Reading
- Discussion
- Assignments
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Friday
- Test #2 on Friday
- Coming Up
- Wednesday - Quiz & DBQ
- Thursday - DBQ
- Friday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Monday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
Friday, February 19, 2016
Guns Germs and Steel (Part 2)

- Describe the effect of geography on the development of societies.
- Analyze how Pizarro was able to conquer the Inca while vastly outnumbered.
- Warm-Up #4: Summarize Jared Diamond's main argument about why some societies gain an advantage over others in a sentence or two.
- Video: Guns, Germs, and Steel
- While you watch, complete the video sheet.
- Work Time!
- Assignments
- Quiz #5 - Buddhism and Islam on Tuesday
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Thursday
- Test #2 on Friday
- Coming Up
- Monday - GG&S and Work Time
- Tuesday - Quiz & DBQ
- Wednesday - DBQ
- Thursday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Friday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
- Monday - Absolutism Lesson
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Part One)

- Describe the effect of geography on the development of societies.
- Analyze how Pizarro was able to conquer the Inca while vastly outnumbered.
- Warm-Up #3: List two things (plant, diseases, animal) that the Americas got from Europe and two things that Europe got from the Americas in the Colombian Exchange.
- PowerPoint
- Slave Trade
- Aztec
- Inca
- Video: Guns, Germs, and Steel
- While you watch, complete the video sheet.
- Assignments
- Quiz #5 - Buddhism and Islam on Tuesday
- Quiz #6 - Mongols, Mariners, and Mughals on Thursday
- Test #2 on Friday
- Coming Up
- Monday - GG&S and Work Time
- Tuesday - Quiz & DBQ
- Wednesday - DBQ
- Thursday - Quiz & Ottoman Empire & Study Time
- Friday - Test & Absolutism Assignment
- Monday - Absolutism Lesson
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Slave Trade & Colombus
- Explain the major causes of European Exploration
- Describe how the rise commerce leads to a change in world power
- Warm-Up #7
- Wait for instructions from Mr. M. He will play an audio clip, and afterward you will answer the following question. What was life like for a slave being transported across the Atlantic? Give at least three specific details from the audio account.
- Reading - Lies My Teacher Told Me
- What is the first mistake textbooks make about Columbus' significance?
- Loewen argues textbooks downplay economic and religious motives for European conquest; suggesting they reflect badly on "us" - who is "us"?
- What problem does he suggest this lets "fester"?
- List at least three things from the "collective story" of Columbus that Loewen calls into question.
- What does Loewen say about Columbus' supposed tragic end? Cite at least two specific examples from the text. [Your words, then two quotes to support]
- Describe the men and supplies provided by Ferdinand & Isabella for Columbus' second voyage.
- Why did he need so much for this new mission?
- How did Columbus ensure cooperation?
- Describe the "Reign of terror in Hispaniola"
- How did the Arawak population vary from 1492 to 1555.
- How did Columbus' writings about the Arawaks become increasingly racist?
- Why does Loewen believe racism helped promote this exploitation?
- What are the problems with a textbook glorifying Columbus?
- Discussion
- Homework
- For Tuesday- Quiz #5: Buddhism (CC6) & Islam (CC13)
- For Thursday - Quiz #6: Mongols (CC17) & 15th Century Mariners (CC21)
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
- Explain the major causes of European Exploration
- Describe how the rise commerce leads to a change in world power
- Quiz - Slave Trade & Colombian Exchange
- Setting Up Journal
- Warm-Up #1
- Imagine you are living in Spain during the 1500s. What might encourage you to get on a wooden boat and travel for months to Asia or the Americas using an untested and dangerous route?
- Age of Exploration PowerPoint
- Why?
- Goods
- Commerce
- Technology
- Explorers
- Shifts in Power
- Homework
- For Monday - Quiz #5: Buddhism (CC6) & Islam (CC13)
- For Wednesday - Quiz #6: Mongols (CC17) & 15th Century Mariners (CC21)
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Renaissance PowerPoint & Primary Sources
I'm working on revising the organization of the website to make it easier to use.
In the meantime, the copy of the notes can be found here.
- Renaissance PowerPoint: Art
- Primary Sources
- Video Clip
- The Book of the Courtier
- Renaissance PowerPoint: Power & Politics
- Reminder: Test #1 is on Friday
Monday, February 1, 2016
Second Day Agenda
Thanks again for everyone's patience. My condition got a little worse, so I do not expect to be in school until Thursday at the earliest. I certainly don't want to spread the Black Death to any of you.
Today's agenda is the following:
Today's agenda is the following:
- Read the Syallabus - and make some mental notes if you have any questions. We're going to hit the ground running when I am back, so we're skipping the whole "Syllabus day" routine.
- Take your open note quiz on the Renaissance
- 14 points, 15 questions. Good luck!
- Watch John Green talk about Agiculture and introduce you to Crash Course World History
- Crash Course #1 - Agriculture
- Watch John Green talk about the Renaissance and evaluate whether it was really a thing or not
- Crash Course #22 - The Renaissance
You can find these videos by looking on the public drive under the Malafarina folder. Check under "Modern World History" or "Crash Course" - I'm not sure of the exact path, but I know they are there! Once you find them, please share them with a neighbor. They're also available on youtube and linked from the website.
I'm not going to give you a video quiz on these two sections. I'm simply asking that you watch them and really think about it. The information from these videos *is* fair game for your first test, so you are welcome to take a few notes.
If you have extra time this period, it is yours - just make sure you don't disturb your neighbors if they're still working. Tomorrow you guys will be watching a video, and if we're lucky I'll be back on Thursday to get things rolling.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Welcome To Modern World History...
...Sorry that I can't make it. I'm very sick this week, but I'm going to do my best to get in tomorrow to join you all. I know it's a tremendous downer doing work on the first day, but I assure you this is an opportunity to avoid homework later on!
I'm asking you to read one section of a chapter from our textbook, which you can find on the bookshelf in the back of the room. You will have an open-note quiz on this tomorrow. I'll ask you 14 questions about the reading, and you'll do the best to answer. Since it's open note... you'd be well-advised to write some stuff down!
Right here is the link to the assignment. It's also on the right bar, under "Reading Guides - 5.1 Renaissance" -->
The above link has a list of questions. Anything I ask on the quiz will be related to these questions. If you read carefully, take notes that sufficiently answer these questions, you should easily score a 100% on the quiz. The advantage of this system over a worksheet is that as long as *you* understand your notes and remember the content, you're set. Terrible handwriters of the world, rejoice!
Thanks in advance for your patience and hard work.
I'm asking you to read one section of a chapter from our textbook, which you can find on the bookshelf in the back of the room. You will have an open-note quiz on this tomorrow. I'll ask you 14 questions about the reading, and you'll do the best to answer. Since it's open note... you'd be well-advised to write some stuff down!
Right here is the link to the assignment. It's also on the right bar, under "Reading Guides - 5.1 Renaissance" -->
The above link has a list of questions. Anything I ask on the quiz will be related to these questions. If you read carefully, take notes that sufficiently answer these questions, you should easily score a 100% on the quiz. The advantage of this system over a worksheet is that as long as *you* understand your notes and remember the content, you're set. Terrible handwriters of the world, rejoice!
Thanks in advance for your patience and hard work.
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