- Analyze Voltaire's criticism of superstition and intolerance
- Explain the major causes of the French Revolution
- Warmup #11: In your opinion, are people naturally good, bad, selfish, blank slates, or something else? Justify your response. Out of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau who do you think is closest to your belief about human nature.
- Voltaire - A Treatise on Toleration (Reading)
- Why do some scholars think Voltaire was an atheist?
- Summarize Voltaire's brief defense of religion (page 1, para 1-2)
- Summarize Voltaire's criticism of supersition, relics, and foolish beliefs. Cite two examples of things he feels people "used to believe" which are no longer satisfactory. (rest of page 1)
- What problem do rulers face now, in dealing with these "Enlightened" people - and what does Voltaire suggest they do? (page 2, para 1-3)
- What is the purpose of religion in his view? How can one be happy? Does Voltaire think we can all agree on religion? (chapter 21)
- What is the point of Voltaire's story about how he's speak to a proud religious figure... how is he mocking them? (chapter 22)
- PowerPoint: The French Revolution
- Work Time: Read and Take Notes on Reading #6: French Revolution (due tomorrow)