Monday, March 28, 2011

Socialism, March 28, 2011


  • Explain the core ideas of socialism
  • Evaluate socialist criticism of the capitalist system


  1. Warmup #21 - Take a guess at the following questions
    1. Go to the middle table and get ten chips from the tin. We'll use them shortly.
    2. What percentage of their income do the wealthiest people in the US have to pay in federal income tax today?
    3. Do you think that this number (top tax bracket) has overall increased or decreased since the 1940s in the USA?
    4. How much more money does the average CEO make than the average worker in the US today?
  2. Wealth Distribution in the USA - Chip Activity
  3. Mother Jones Article - It's The Inequality, Stupid
  4. Socialism Notes & Discussion
  5. Video Clips (Worst Jobs - Rat Catcher, Workhouse, Tanner)
  6. CNN Student News