Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Renaissance: Primary Sources

  • Analyze the causes and effects of the Renaissance.
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of primary sources
  1. Warm-Up #3: 
    1. Why did the Renaissance start in Italy, and not another part of Europe?
  2. The Renaissance PowerPoint (continued)
    1. Artistic Achievement  (Leonardo)
    2. John Green on the Renaissance - Was It A Thing?
    3. Primary Sources
      1. Pros & Cons
      2. Four Yorkshiremen
  3. The Book of the Courtier
    1. Who wrote this book?
    2. What was his audience?  (Who would read this kind of book)
    3. Find at least 3 words that are difficult or you don’t understand, look them up, and write a definition.
    4. Describe at least 5 traits or skills a courtier should have, according to the author, and cite your evidence.
    5. What vocabulary term from your first reading assignment would best describe someone with all these different skills?
  4. Homework:  Reading #1: Renaissance  (quiz Friday)